Where did you dig up the fresh evidence? 你从哪儿弄到那些新证据的?
Nobody can pretend that it will be easy or quick to rebuild trust in this sector; least of all when fresh evidence of bank transgressions, such as foreign exchange scandals, keeps tumbling out. 没有人能佯称,在这个领域将会轻易或迅速重建信任,尤其是在有新的证据表明银行不当行为(如外汇丑闻)层出不穷之际。
Investors could well panic again if there are more signs of banking stress or fresh evidence of political discord. 如果有更多迹象表明银行业形势紧张,或者有新的证据表明政治上存在分歧,投资者很可能再次陷入恐慌。
Outraged netizens took her comments as fresh evidence that China's new rich had sacrificed inner fulfillment for the fleeting pleasures of material wealth. 愤怒的网民将她的话作为新证据,证明中国的新富为了追求稍纵即逝的物质财富而放弃精神追求。
The controversial comments from the investor and author came as fresh evidence emerged that the UK's economy is falling deeper into recession. 这位投资者和作者发表上述有争议的评述之际,有新的证据表明,英国经济正更深地陷入衰退。
Fresh evidence suegests th_at the statement had been fabricated. 新的证据说明证词是伪造的。
He was pardoned after fresh evidence had come to light. 发现新证据之后,他得到了赦免。
Fraud committed against companies by their own employees has surged this year, data suggest, providing fresh evidence that the recession is fuelling a rise in crime. 数据显示,今年以来,员工针对自己公司的欺诈案例激增,这为经济衰退正导致犯罪率上升的观点提供了新的证据。
Do you wish to produce any fresh evidence? 有什么新的资料你想提供么?
This week, as two more convicts were executed by lethal injection ( in Ohio and Texas), a new report added fresh scientific evidence. 本周,当又有两名罪犯被注射死刑(在俄亥俄州和得克萨斯州)时,一项新的报告增加了一些新的科学证据。
The police are casting about for fresh evidence. 警察在寻找新的证据。
In the rest of Asia, there was fresh evidence of weakening economic activity. 在亚洲其它地区也出现了经济活动走软的新证据。
Fresh evidence of foul play in financial dealings. 在财务方面违法的新证据。
But uppermost in many investors 'minds yesterday was fresh evidence that US consumers remained hesitant about buying. 但许多投资者昨天最为关注的是,有新的证据表明,美国消费者购买意愿仍然较弱。
A chosen topic should lead to revelation and surprise, or at least to compelling fresh evidence. 研究者所选的主题应该能带来启发或新意,起码也要产生有说服力的新证据。
There is already fresh evidence that the prospects are favourable. 新的有利的证据已经表现出来了。
Objective: To make known the health and sub-health condition of the young-and-middle-aged military technical cadres and furnish fresh evidence for health education and countermeasures making. 目的:了解和掌握部队院校中青年科技干部的健康与亚健康状况,为开展健康教育,制定干预措施提供依据。
Observing and studying the difference between fresh evidence and limitation of the burden of proof, defining fresh evidence and understanding its consequence in law, it is necessary for us to realize civil procedure and substance justice. 本文对新的证据与举证时限制度的关系、新的证据的界定、提出新的证据的法律后果三个方面的问题进行了探讨,这对实现民事实体正义与程序正义均是十分必要的。
Before the rule of evidence was carried out, fresh evidence had no difference in admissibility and evidentiary effect with those produced before session except the definition. 而在证据规则实行之前,民事诉讼实行的是证据的随时提出主义,新提出的证据在效力、可采性上与其他证据并无区别,只不过因提出时间的不同而在定义上有所区别而已。
In this paper, the clinical monitoring principles, as well as clinical features, detection of blood loss, treatment method of obstetrical hemorrhagic shock, were discussed. This paper will furnish fresh evidence for the clinical monitoring of obstetrical hemorrhagic shock. 对产科失血性休克的临床特征、失血量的检测及其治疗方法和临床监护原则进行了论述,为产科失血性休克的临床护理提供了依据。
This paper will discuss these problems of the fresh evidence on the base of advanced experience abroad and the domestic development of fresh evidence. 本文从国外的先进经验、我国新证据的发展出发,探讨了新证据在各个程序中的具体体现。
On civil fresh evidence 刍议民事诉讼新的证据
Objective: To approach the mechanism of SKI on prohibiting Glomerulosclerosis ( GS) so that treatment on chronic renal failure ( CRF) with SKI furnishs fresh evidence in the level of cytobiology. 目的:探讨肾康注射液(SKI)阻抑肾小球硬化(GS)、防治慢性肾功能衰竭(CRF)的部分作用机理,为SKI临床应用提供依据。